Civil Engineering

Welcome to Department of Civil Engineering
The Civil Engineering Department impart quality education to up bring technical manpower in the field of civil engineering with the capabilities to take challenges of upcoming technologies.Mission:
* To impart quality education to the students in order to serve society and the nation by providing solutions to the challenges in the field of civil engineering, globally.* To provide students and faculty members with opportunities to innovate and disseminate knowledge.
           Taking a glance at the recent history of infrastructure constructions in the world, such as the bridges, Tunnel, Highway, Power Plants, Railways, Dams and Harbors it is certain that the civil engineering technologies of our country stand at one of the highest levels in the world. Civil Engineers play ever-increasing and visible roles in shaping our future and the world we live in.
They deal, not only with the technical and scientific aspects of their work, but also with its social and economic impact. They seek creative solutions to complex issues in the world today: engineering sustainable cities; designing, building and renewing the world's infrastructure; meeting growing energy and water demands; and preserving and protecting the environment.
The important part of our efforts in our department is to educate students with basic skills and professional ethics and to send out them as well-educated engineers to the fields associated with civil engineering. The along with curriculum of the course in civil engineering students are more emphasized to the site conditions and the latest developments in the industry by means of guest lectures, site visits and implant training.
Students are also encouraged to make presentations on their research activities at conferences and workshops and to gain practical experiences in preparation of papers and presentations. Department carries out various civil engineering consultancy works for the Government, Semi Government and Private agencies in the field of Designing and Testing.
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