President's Message

Hon'ble Dr. Vijay D. Patil
Vision - It is what you need to work towards to achieve success. It is something that should bring before your eyes a goal that needs to be achieved. The youth of today have a lot of promise and potential. It is this potential that needs to be converted into concrete action for India’s smooth progress in this millennium. Education is the most important tool to achieve this. It is the initiative in education along with progress in technology that will bring about transformation in the country today. Over the year, the Dr. D. Y. Patil Educational Academy, with its commitment and dedication, has earned a reputation of being a provider of quality education in area of professional signification. With the increasing number of talented students who join this institute each year. We look forward to becoming world-class institute and creating a distinctive position for ourselves, it is our Founder President’s dream to see the youth steer this nation on the path of progress by using the power of knowledge as their strongest tool. It is time that student of today take it upon them to see the world of our elders translated into action. It is our responsibility as educated citizens of India to spread the light, the light of knowledge.
My best wishes go your way as you embark on this wonderful learning experience at the D. Y. Patil Polytechnic, Ambi.
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