Computer Engineering

Welcome to Department of Computer Engineering
The department shall contribute globally acceptable computer engineers with value-based technological and educational perspective trained through best-in-class faculty and infrastructure.Mission:
To develop human resource with sound knowledge- theory and practical - in the discipline of computing and the ability to apply the knowledge to the benefit of the society at large.             The department of Computer and Information Technology were established in 2008. Department offers Diploma of Engineering under the MSBTE. The department has 6 laboratories equipped with latest software such as Oracle 10G, Microsoft Visual Studio10 and hardware. All the computers are connected on LAN with 16Mbps Bandwidth Internet leased line facility. The department has high performance computing facility such as HP servers, firewall, routers, Wi-Fi facility for entire campus etc.
Most of the faculty members are pursuing Master of Engineering. Students of the department are working on projects based on recent Technology. The department has departmental library with books and e-books. Students are placed in various IT companies giving them a broad range of opportunities for their successful career
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